Recently uncovered masters these songs were released in very limited edition cassettes back in 1994. The Burrrns Rubber 7" was taken from these sessions. Hearing them now, in better fidelity, after over 15 years; they seem to have aged like fine whisky.
Download: swayback -outerspace tonight
Swayback were:
Lucky- Bass (check out Sin Serenade)
Jon Reed -Guitar & Vocals;
Johnny T - drum kit;
(thanks to Dave Chavez - recordist)
Download: the jonny cats - last: ode to sergio
Download: the jonny cats - burns rubber
The Jonny Cats were:
Kenta Henmi - lead guitar (now in The Violenta)
Dave Chavez - bass
Jonny Jarden - vocals, nudity
Jonny Reed - guitar
Johnny T- drum kit
Download: Bonus Track: Sex Beat (unreleased)
Get it here (@ 192)