All aboombong releases are available (name your price) at bandcamp.
Smokin' hot...another distinctive stream of ethnological forgeries (see Can), Fourth World ambient excursions (see Jon Hassell), mesmerizing post-rock mini/maximalism (see Holy Fuck), and unexplained transmissions (see Füxa). This is some of the most interesting, ambitious music coming out of Seattle at the moment. (Dave Segal @The Stranger's Line out)
Weird and freaking[ly] SPLENDID LISTEN where experimental-drone boundaries are reached and breached. EXCEPTIONAL title.(mogwai@The Sirens Sound)
An untamed collusion of the finest noise, concrète and ambient soundscapes. (Eye of sound@The Sound of Eye).
It's a deep journey into Fourth World territory, that imaginary zone where modern technology and ancient tradition meld into a new culture. (Marc Weidenbaum@Disquiet)
It's original and wild. Orient and Occident are superposed in an origami of earth, wind, and thunder.(genemesis@geometria innamorata)
The all-new sonic canvas that Boulez, Stockhausen, John Cage once stretched – to name but a cornerstone few – expands and intensifies. (nadia@the couch sessions)
I like music which has a kind of neutral emotional register, which may in the course of enfolding traverse a whole emotional range, but never imposes a mood on you from the beginning. My archetype for this kind of music for a long time was Steve Reich, in particular 'Music for 18 Musicians', which shifts you along a whole encyclopedia of thought and plays on your creative mind like it were a xylophone. Aboombong's music does this - the use of free drumming, somewhere along the lines of Chris Corsano or the great Elvin Jones, propels the music along brilliantly. The music shifts along drones and melodies and instrumental flourishes, rhythmical patterns.(Grave Riddle @ thanks for your ears!)
[Cromsby Grovernor Worthington's Jujujaiponmolam] is bliss - a hypnotically circling Afroguitar riff over endless guitar soundscapes, with drums finally taking it off out of the atmosphere (ben@rllmukforum)
10 of 10 - This is a kind of eclipse of the sun, played up with an experienced know-how and outrageous energy swoop. In fact, one of the most astonishing releases of 2010, for sure. (then it can be concluded that the publication was completed around the monster floating on the harmonious {misjärel võib tõdeda, et lõppenud üllitis oli kõikjal hõljuv harmooniline monstrum}) - (Kert Semm @ recent music heroes).
Aboombong immerses you in unsettling masses of sound that swarm, throb, clatter, and drone with vital, viral activity. It's like being enshrouded in fog in a foreign country of whose language you only have the most tenuous grasp and then chewing on a psychotropic root. It's a rare feeling, Rufus. (Dave Segal - The Stanger; Line-Out)
A quite remarkable blend of infectious afro-percussion, drones, minimalism and melanonchy...dangerously catchy...a refreshing, altogether absorbing record (Ali @ Shot by Both Sides).
Oscillating between drones, West African rhythms and cosmic jazz, [aboombong] nods to some of the most highly revered music of the 20th century: 'Broken Glass' to birdsong, musique concrète to cosmic jazz. Aboombong are aggressively hip and achingly contemporary (Samuel Breen @ Drowned in Sound).
It sounds just about as "free" as music gets, something that could have come from another planet. (Matthew Foster of Beyond the Valley of Ultrahits)
I listened to this wonderful album last night and was truly blown away...a must for anyone interested in out there music (
An intriguing blend of lo-fi drones, tape manipulation, mangled afro percussion and twitchy free-jazz drumming. And I'm liking it a lot.(Mr Tear @ Snap, Crackle & Pop)
This Is Pretty Fantastic! (Michael DUSTdevil @ YoungMossTongue).
It reminds me the best of the CAN album, Tago Mago, which is quite something. Even Sun Ra...Psychedelic, strong, inspiring...(deadwhite horse @ geometria innamorata).
A mind blowing don’t want to miss this album. (Mogwai @ TheSirenSound)
Believe me you haven't heard anything like Aboombong before... this album is one hell of a trip. (Rhinocerouslip @ Hate R'n'B)
Fantastic release...One of the best of 2010 presented to us so far... very unique (poizless at Hype Light).
A wondrous Garden of Eden where everything exhales entrancing waves reaching out for the senses, which then magnify in intensity, consuming you in their divine essence. But it's too much to bear, the one is not yet ready to be swallowed by the whole, and as such the intensity recedes, the divine echo retreats to a gentler flow, and all that remains is the memory of this cosmic vision, which in turns loses itself in the vastness of time... this album goes to places where very few albums manage to go. (ILY@rym)
It certainly deserves some hype...blowing fresh wind into the Noise/Drone/etc... a delicious combo of tribal rhythms and noisy waves...Recommended (Amstad@rym).
...a collection of textures which will sit nicely as wallpaper music if you’re busy, but absorb you completely if you give them too much attention (drummer13@Help! My Snowman's on Fire!)
tre parole che mi vengono in mente durante l'ascolto: allucinazioni, deserto, steampunk. (Oscuro@trumetal)
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[Teaser of the day] Gnyonpix - Space Colony
Hyakunenme EP by Gnyonpix
- Tracker music
- 8-bit
- Chiptune
- Electronic music
- Bitpop
*Artist*: Gnyonpix
*Release*: Hyakunenme
1 hour ago