Ten years ago I decided to see if I could put together a full album of music all by myself - something I had never done despite years of collaborating with others. The result was the first aboombong release - named via onomatopoeia from opening of the first song I put together for the release, "Three Days 'til Sunrise." Not sure I thought this would result in 12 releases over the next decade. Anyway, here is the first one again.
Artist: aboombong
Album: aboombong
Style: ambientrance dub soundscapes
Release: June, 2009
Players: all me* - electronics, tapes, percussion
Available in a variety of formats from http://aboombong.bandcamp.com/ (set your own price)
1. a
2. ab
3. abo
4. aboo
5. aboom
6. aboomb
7. aboombo
8. aboombon
9. aboombong
10. 3 Days 'til Sunrise (aboombong mix)
11. gnobmooba
12. birds
*aboom contains samples from Waltz Bop Shop and gnobmooba contains samples from ¡para!helion. Narrative in 3 Days 'til Sunrise recorded off of public radio in the late 1990's.
Knuckle Tattoo
This image generator brought a smile to my face. The results also reminded
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6 hours ago