Well, my plan to post the NMSU experimental music tapes from the early 80's fell through as my cassette deck bit the dust this weekend. Luckily,
David sent me a little surprise in the meantime that can fill the gap while I work on a replacement.
This is a video of the very first
A.O.S. show. I had no memory that this video existed. David dates it as 1988, but my memory says it would be summer of 1987 (my memory is often wrong). I'm only sure about a couple of things from the show. 1) It was windy and very, very hot; and 2) I had the worst drum monitor ever and couldn't hear a thing.
A.O.S. has quietly moved up the Pen & Mallet charts and
Rip It Up is now the most popular album posted here, so maybe some of you will enjoy this blast from the past.