
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

aboombong: ambientrance dub-dozen

Artist: aboombong
Album: aboombong
Style: ambientrance dub soundscapes
Release: June, 2009
Players: all me* - electronics, tapes, percussion
Available in a variety of formats from (set your own price)

<a href="">a by aboombong</a>

1. a
2. ab
3. abo
4. aboo
5. aboom
6. aboomb
7. aboombo
8. aboombon
9. aboombong
10. 3 Days 'til Sunrise (aboombong mix)
11. gnobmooba
12. birds

*aboom contains samples from Waltz Bop Shop and gnobmooba contains samples from ¡para!helion. Narrative in 3 Days 'til Sunrise recorded off of public radio in the late 1990's.

Update: Now on imeem &
Update: Wow! aboombong is featured in this week's independent music discoveries (issue-13) over at A Future in Noise. Thanks Marilyn (^_^)
Update: Now also available at the great Dogs Can Read Your Mind blog along with lots of other ambient/drone/experimental music. Check it out.


  1. Right on icastico! I like that you are using the creative commons licensing. I see that you have a variety of formats to download each song in, is there a way to download the entire collection with one link?

    I'm also curious what you have used for the electronic sounds. Thanks alot for sharing!

  2. vaubu,

    If you go to the link I provide to the album page, the download will be for the whole album...(it should say "download album")...just pick your preferred format.

    FWIW, these sound WAY better in lossless formats than they do in MP3.

    You can set your own price as appropriate (no minimum, but $$'s support future aboombong releases).

    As for sounds...these are from a variety of sources (both digital and analog)...using top-secret aboombong processing techniques...


  3. Aboombong Diddle I Po.

    Sorry ;)

    Looking forward to giving this a listen... Just get myself into a horizontal position, place the ashtray on my chest, and begin

  4. roy,

    I believe that is the right approach...


  5. Icastico,

    Thanks for stopping by Eclectic Grooves so often and saying a few words. I wanted to return the favor and check out your site. It looks like this is all original music recorded by you and your friends. How awesome is that? I am definitely down with listening to this. In fact I am downloading something right now.

    Since I know you are a frequent visitor, would you be interested in exchanging links with me. I am trying to build my readership, and would really appreciate it if you would be willing to add me to your fantastic assortment of links.

    Best to you, Kevin

  6. Thanks Kevin,

    You've been added (can't believe I hadn't already done that...).

    Anyone who hasn't checked out eclectic-grooves is missing out.

  7. Just included aboombong in this week's Independent Music Discoveries post at A Future in Noise! :)

  8. Thanks Marilyn...You are doing the lords work, as they say.

  9. Hey man,

    so you are doing a guitar album next time? you mean like acoustic or electric?

    mick barr is probably a really bizarre role model. i'd find it hard to emulate his playing style without looking like a fool.

    anyways good luck with your next record!


  10. Hello OV,

    Very definitely electric...
    I agree that Mike's style would be hard to emulate, but he certainly does make you think about the boundaries.

  11. Ok, this is quite cool. When I first started listening to tracks 1 through 12 I thought to myself, "what is this?" Following in a heated second came the thought, "For some reason I am still listening to this and I am rather perplexed as to why." Then the final blow: "This is making me feel a certain way therefore it is art and I can relate > I like this a lot!!" Keep it going!!!

  12. Ian,
    That may be one of the best reviews I've received. Thanks.
