
Friday, November 20, 2020

2020 suggestions from here at Pen & Mallet


Some folks are putting together their end of the year lists. Lots to talk about as usual. I am sure a ton of great records will come out before the end of the year, but I thought I would help out the compilers with some titles that may not have gotten noticed. Since the latest aboombong album, asynartetic was the only official release from me this year, I guess it gets the local call. Some others to pay attention to this year include a string of releases from Sister Black Lagoon who are selling their whole discography for a tune. Also worth your notice are the releases from Hive Mind Records this year - including Jaipongan Music of West Java and "Aicha" from Maalem Mahmoud Gania. Another one to check out is Rabbit Hole Variations from Greg Nieuwsma of SawakAnd I would be remiss not to mention the work from Pen & Mallet regulars Dynamo Stairs album Nickel Chrome, or Kanawha's best yet